--------------------- FEATURE [r443] - Group of website. [r443] Can choise visibility for each page(Master, Slave or master and slave) [r443] (sponsorized by http://www.dragees.fr/ ) [r434] - Group of website. [r434] Defined one master and X slave. Add page and product to master to be available in slave [r434] (sponsorized by http://www.dragees.fr/ ) [r426] - Display product discount list [r426] sponsorised by www.claradaix.com [r423] - Supplier management AND stock alert management [r423] (sponsorized by http://www.dragees.fr/ ) [r416] - Associate picture to page (3 sizes available(little, medium, full)) [r415] - Add image for one page part 1 [r405] - bill prefix label [r404] - Generate Bill if parameter is on [r403] - Add bill prefix field [r400] - Use setting to generate bill [r399] - Revert JS file for pop up file [r393] - Link to bill file [r390] - Command change to finish state generate bill [r389] - Move function to bill class [r388] - Add billing management [r386] - Detect if business informations is filling [r381] - Add informations page to describe society(Usefull for bill generating) [r379] - Add back to account link for special page [r374] - Add detail design for my account page [r372] - Add common front entry dir [r359] - Remove pconnect connection [r357] - Gif(animated or not) can be use for logo top [r355] - Add business information template [r352] - Add logo for bill [r351] - Add business information [r350] - Can translate page id in plici page id [r343] - Add html2pdf tool [r342] - change log Version 0.9.0 --------------------- ENHANCEMENT [r448] - pass to version 1.0.0.RC.1 [r447] - Pass to version 1.0.0.RC.1 [r443] - Move Lock table to db_connection [r442] - plicitag : can bypass or not design [r442] - plicitag : cleaned [r442] - plicitag : only super admin can install it [r441] - PliciTag : harmonize function name [r440] - correct bug with host cache [r439] - correct bug if short PHP not authorized [r438] - plicitag : can be without installation [r438] - plicitag : can replace description [r437] - plicitag : if class not declared, doesn't stop all the script [r436] - PliciTag is available (can : install, delete, update, uninstall, launch) [r435] - Add new debug function [r433] - add new feature : PliciTag (all is ok for running, still need the installation process) [r432] - the beginning of the plicitag for links [r431] - correct bug [r430] - licenses [r430] - and directory subdomain (not compatible with modules) [r429] - If index.htm file exsit, it's loaded when you select root url or when you click on logo top [r428] - upgrade stock alert email [r427] - Load picture for product in same page [r427] (sponsorized by www.claradaix.com) [r424] - Cad modify an item in order [r422] - Htaccess simulator can be enhanced with local rules stored in /view/sites/my/websitename/local_rewriting.php [r421] - Modify error log display [r420] - some licenses [r418] - Hidde weight value in back office if display weight is desativate [r417] - Add missing string [r414] - Add some text [r413] - On the Graphic page : Add show the directoy for templates [r413] - When getting a web page with plici_debug get parameter to true, print the name of the templates loaded [r412] - Add confirm delete item text [r411] - Add missed file [r398] - Can set ang get session var [r397] - .htaccess now url can have a / at the beginning [r397] - add the addModulePage function for php script [r397] - _add_tag now can add module id [r397] - html_entity_decode for the parameters passed to the web hosting script installation [r396] - Add text link for back to account [r392] - Create bill class for front office [r391] - Move path to save bill pdf [r385] - Business information: email is not necessary [r384] - Set text for business information [r380] - Add Back office menu authorization for all admin [r377] - Can browse site with port specified [r376] - Delete informations in double [r375] - Increase debug verbose [r373] - Move link entry for identification in common dir [r371] - Move getPAgeId to common class and rename to translatePliciPageId [r369] - Filename in debug is autodetect [r358] - Delete duplicated informations [r354] - Fichier template pour la g‚n‚ration de pdf [r353] - Can search order id with psl id [r349] - Better mysql compatibility when REPLACE a request with a select of him [r348] - better mysql compatibility when REPLACE a request with a select of him [r346] - Add more debug message for bad authentification and bad product id [r345] - inactivate set_time_limit with @ and safe_mode test, now, no warning possible [r345] - discard the echo when a directory or file is not writable [r344] - le changelog un peu mieux format‚ --------------------- BUG [r447] - Correct already declared Smart_Compiler class [r446] - Undefined var [r445] - Bad call to makeSqlQuery function [r444] - licence for PLICI 1.0.0 RC1 [r425] - Correct some problem with LOCK TABLE [r419] - More compatibility with mysql version 5.0 [r408] - Correct path and text [r406] - Hidde weight in command summary [r402] - Force to laod a session to get session value [r395] - Discount was print in bill generated [r395] - This discount have … 19,6% VAT [r394] - Add title to show misconfigured ecommerce wweb site [r387] - Correct bill pdf template(Correct html error and empty field) [r383] - Business configuration only available for ecommerce website [r382] - Result var not used [r378] - Correct xhtml error [r370] - Module page's can't be reached [r368] - Not apply cache on product price [r366] - Correct css display with graphic tool [r365] - Empty request [r364] - Can use imbricated sql request [r363] - correct the quote in addBoMenu for PHP script in BD [r362] - correct Module menu printing [r361] - not needed include methods.php in php scripts [r361] - add module API [r361] - add script for webhosting [r361] - change BackOffice urls and page IDS [r360] - FS#81: Can't store first letter of zipcode in address if it's equal to 0 [r356] - Correct JS error [r347] - Regule city length accpet(Increase to 50 characters) --------------------- DEBUG [r407] - increase verbose mode --------------------- CLEAN [r367] - remove unsued code